Head of the Central Statistics Agency East Nusa Tenggara / Ir. Poltak Sutrisno Siahaan / said / that the increase in airfare is quite high during the long holiday season in July and / helped give a big share in inflation that occurred in the city Kupang / /
According Poltak / Inflation in the city of Kupang at 0.91 percent / / And rise in air freight rates during the months of July and / make group transportation especially transportation air / contribute substantial, amounting, 6, 52 percent / with a contribution amounting to 0, 9473 percent of July 2011 / /
In addition to the transportation / other expenditure groups are also contributed to inflation during the month of July / health group at 2.12 percent / 1.67 percent of the clothing / food by 0.69 percent / 0.14 percent housing / education 0.10 percent / /
From January to July 2011 / whole kupang city experience inflasi 3.32 percent / /
Whereas if compared to July 2010 / in July 2011 as a whole / Kupang experienced inflation of 4.71 percent / / /