The newly renovated ANZ branch in Lae went down in flames after marking over 100 years anniversary this year and a further K4-million renovation earlier this year.
Faulty wire cables are believed to be the main cause of the fire which saw the fourth floor guttered down. Local residents and workers rushing to get to work witnessed the ANZ burning down before them.
Fire fighters could not save most properties and did their best to hose down the flames. The fire started around 5 in the morning and continued until 8 am.
Police and the fire services are investigating what may have caused the fire while to date I have been following up to find out but all attempts have not been positive.
However, a newly built ANZ branch had been completed in one other part of Lae City but offices which rented in the burnt down branch lost extensive number of properties.
This picture was taken by a young man when he was passing by using his mobile. Amazing what mobiles can do this days.