When A Bookstore Set to Close

By Wan Ulfa Nur Zuhra

Book Stars on CBD, Brisbane set to close today, 7 September 2013.

Some books that I bought today


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About Wan Ulfa

Wan Ulfa Nur Zuhra is an Indonesian Medan-based journalist. She was a writer and editor for Kover Magazine in Medan. Now, she choose to be a freelancer. She writes for Lentera Timur, Jakarta Post, and 429Magazine—an LGBT portal news in America. She got her bachelor of communication science from University of Sumatera Utara on September 2012. When studied at university, she joined a student press, SUARA USU for 3,5 years. She used to be a reporter, online editor, and lead the organization as a president on 2011. She interested writing about culture, history, and human right.

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