Koroi Hawkins talks about his introduction to online and social media.

Koroi Hawkins learning the online media ropes...

Koroi Hawkins is new to online Journalism and learning it is both exciting and scary for him.

…Solomon Islands would be like a couple of decades behind in social media…

In the Solomon Islands the internet is a relatively new phenomena.

AndĀ if Australia is considered 2 or 3 years behind the UK and the US in terms of embracing the technology, Solomon Islands would be like a couple of decades behind.

So as an island journalist the concept of New Media is quite daunting for Koroi Hawkins.

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About Koroi

Currently I am a Freelance Journalist Working out of the Solomon Islands. Before Freelancing I worked for six years with a local Television Station News Room it was called One Television Solomon Islands. Because it was a small station we had to do everything and anything that was required to keep the station and its programs going so I call it my Journalism Degree at the University of HArd Knocks. In the future I hope to work for and International News Organization that covers news in the Pacific. I see myself as a Pacific Island Journalist.

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