Dian Lestari, Indonesian journalist
I am a coordinator of West Kalimantan Journalist’s Association for Diversity a.k.a in Bahasa Indonesia is Serikat Jurnalis untuk Keberagaman (Sejuk) Kalimantan Barat. This organization form in Jakarta since 2008 and at Pontianak branch since 23 February 2014. Besides journalists, Sejuk member is academicians and NGO’s activist.
Sejuk (www.sejuk.org) focus on issue about human rights, gender equality, tolerance of religion and journalism is very important in my province, wich has witnessed 14 episodes of ethnic-based violence from 1962 to 2000.
I want to promote multicutural education as the best way to spread peace and to dispel ethnic tensions and suspicions. Now I am doing research with Gadjah Mada University Jogjakarta, about impact of multicultural education at junior high school in West Kalimantan.