Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak Has Confirm it is his Intention to resign from F-FDTL commander (The Nasional Defence Forse Of Timor Leste)
Desijion Resign was finished Inform To Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao And President RDTL Jose Ramos Horta, and two Lider Both they Accep this desijion.
Before That Taur said he deside resign because he want go back to civilian live.
But According the Information have Possibility he want candidate him self to president in next year.
Author Archives: aliciatvtl
6 Minggu di APJC Siap Melakukan Terobosan Baru di TVTL
Pelajaran yang paling menarik bagi saya selama 5, 6 minggu terakhir adalah, bagaimana cara membuat blogging, grafic dan use mobile jornalism, perlu diketahui bahwa di institusi tvtl ketika kami membuat sebuah news tentang ekonomi dan bisnis kami tidak pernah memakai 3 komponen tersebut.
Oleh karena itu pelajaran yang sudah saya dapatkan di APJC Asia Pasific Journalist Centre sangat bermanfaat bagi saya.
satu hal terpenting adalah dan ketika saya pulang akan konsultasi dengan kepala redaksi saya bagaimana bisa membuat news menggunkan grafic seperti menerangkan harga barang naik currency bdan juga keadadan cuaca di timor leste. Continue reading
Holden is Aussie’s golden car
Timor Leste still needs investment to build Port Fisheries
In april 2011, the World Bank informed ADB’s Special Office in Timor-Leste that $1
million from the Second Agriculture Rehabilitation Program (ARP II) had been set aside for the
rehabilitation of Hera fishing port, located around 16 kilometers east of Dili. ADB was requested
to execute this particular Project given its experience in fisheries projects in small countries inthe Pacific region. Continue reading
Doing Business in East Timor Very Exspensive and Need a long time
Timor leste a new country now stiil a proggres, if we want doing businisess in East Timor need long time to complete dokument like a procedur how to starting a businees, like construction permit, proprety like a contract closing the busniees, credit protecting envestor taxes and tading accros the boarderss not easy because we need 81 day haw to complete this procedure. Continue reading
The importance of blogs to Timor Leste as a new nation
As Timor Leste is a relatively new nation, all information on development should be brought to attention. Information such as acquiring information from geographic locations or political conditions, to economy is available from the technological world, such as TV, radio, online newsletter and many others.
one of the technology advancement that played a significant role in imparting information to fellow people in Timor Leste and even others globally, is none other than Temposemanal. This blog brings encouragement to other blogs to act as an instrument and a bridge in spreading a development and economic dynamics of Timor Leste after independence from the Indonesian government.
at the moment, we can say that blogging is quite rare in Timor Leste. with the introduction o wordpress, an important pillar for us as journalist to be able to gather ideas, commets and advice in bringing Timor Leste to an advancement
how do you think blogging can affect east timor