Author Archives: kdjohau

Kupang (East Nusa Tenggara) Fueled Inflation Rising Ticket Price Air Lines

harisistantoHead of the Central Statistics Agency East Nusa Tenggara / Ir. Poltak Sutrisno Siahaan / said / that the increase in airfare is quite high during the long holiday season in July and / helped give a big share in inflation that occurred in the city Kupang / /
According Poltak / Inflation in the city of Kupang at 0.91 percent / / And rise in air freight rates during the months of July and / make group transportation especially transportation air / contribute substantial, amounting, 6, 52 percent / with a contribution amounting to 0, 9473 percent of July 2011 / /
In addition to the transportation / other expenditure groups are also contributed to inflation during the month of July / health group at 2.12 percent / 1.67 percent of the clothing / food by 0.69 percent / 0.14 percent housing / education 0.10 percent / /
From January to July 2011 / whole kupang city experience inflasi 3.32 percent / /

Whereas if compared to July 2010 / in July 2011 as a whole /  Kupang experienced inflation of 4.71 percent / / /


Selama saya mengikuti kegiatan fellowship APJC ke-4 selama 40 hari, banyak pengetahuan baru yang saya dapatkan. Sesuatu yang belum pernah saya pelajari sebelumnya di Kupang, saya dapatkan di fellowship ini. Saya belajar tentang banyak hal, tentang kehidupan dari suku Aborigin, saya belajar tentang permasalahan ekonomi dan bisnis di Negara Australia, saya mempelajari tentang apa itu blogging, dan bagaimana cara membuat blogging bagi seorang wartawan, saya juga belajar tentang bagaimana membuat sebuah grafik dalam pemberitaan bisnis, dan saya juga belajar tentang bagaimana cara mengupload foto dan video ke dalam blogging, dan yang hal menarik lainnya yang saya pelajari adalah pembentukan kepribadian dari seorang wartawan ( who am I ).

Semua hal ini, benar-benar menjadi sebuah pengalaman yang berarti bagi saya, untuk menjadikan saya menjadi seorang jurnalis yang baik dan berpotensi. Pengalaman lainnya, ketika saya dan team peserta APJC berangkat ke Canberra dan Sidney selama satu minggu di dampingi oleh Hellen Musa, dimana kami melakukan perjalanan tour dan mengunjungi Museum, AuSI, kantor berita ( Times Canberra ), gedung Parlement, World Bank dan ADB, IFJ, ABC televisi dan Radio, Choice Magazine, dan dinner bersama wartawan2 senior, mengikuti sidang parlement, serta menonton opera Marry Poppins. Continue reading

It’s about industry fisher in west timor

Dhammika Heenpela

Member of DPRD, Janlif T Bullu, also state his willingness to coordinate with DPRD NTT in handling the fisheries to address the issue faced by the fishermen.

In dealing with the issue, the head of commission DPRD Kupang, Tellendmark Daud, promised to recommend to marine fisheries agency of Kupang to coordinate with the agency of NTT province to control the fishermen from outside NTT.

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How to make blogging for broadcasters interesting


image by sean dreilinger

Radio is a form of entertainment and information for many kinds of people of all ages. Personally, radio is my life. 9 years have passed since I dived into the broadcasting world as a radio broadcaster.

Speaking about radio, it is almost automatic that one relates it to blogging. however, in Radio Kota Kupang – NTT, the influence of blogging have yet to be embraced by fellow broadcasters and radio journalists.

In my opinion, having a blog is crucial. through blogging we can explore and gain knowledge on the issues surrounding the world. Don’t lose out on interesting information that you can gain and share through blogging. So, why don’t you start to color your world of broadcasting with blogging!

So, how do we get blogging to appeal to broadcasters?