Category Archives: Indonesia

What’s the hottest issue in your country now?

Hi Guys,

I just want to share about one of the hottest issue in my country…

Last month, Australia suspended live cattle export to Indonesia. It is because the TV documentary showed steers being wiped, beaten and slashed repeatedly in Indonesia abattoirs.

First, Australia decided to suspend for 6 months, but yesterday
Australia has lifted the suspension.

It is a good news not only for Indonesia but also Australia.

Indonesia is a big market for Australia. 60% of export Australia goes to Indonesia.

Thus, when Australia decided to ban cattle export, many people just said, “Calm down. we need each other, right?”

This is happening now. It hasn’t been six months and the cattle trade is opened again.

Apart from that, Indonesia decides to make a big changing on abattoirs.

So, what’s the hottest issue in your country now, guys? Share please…

Queen Victoria Market

Queen Victoria Market was established in 1878. This year, the traditional market in the City of Melbourne is 133 years old. This market is traditionally called not only because it is already present through the number of generations, but commodity vegetables that are sold openly on display at the stall. Just vegetables market in the Market Manggarai, South Jakarta.

Traditional Market Queen Victoria is clean. Traded goods is set refers to a block ranging from vegetables, meat, fish, cooking ingredients ready to cook, home accessories, and clothing. The traditional market is combines with food and clothing sales. This place is located at the corner of Queen Street, Victoria Street and Peel Street in Melbourne.

This place can be reached by the three various transportation public such as trams, trains, and buses. Generally people here tram ride from the station and stopped at La Trobe Elisabeth Street. Tourists visiting the city bus terminal down at number eight. The availability of this facility allows residents to shop in the city of Queen Victoria.

Traditional markets here are not comparable with Grass Market or Pasar Tanah Abang. Perhaps the history of settlement and development of Melbourne and Jakarta are very different so it is difficult to make traditional markets orderly. The urban population growth affect to the structural arrangement of the city in Melbourne. Need extra work and planning by accurately managing the city’s population to reach 7 million people such as in Jakarta.

Food prices quite expensive compared with similar commodities in traditional markets in Jakarta. Call For example, Thailand and Australia rice sells for AUS $ 4.5 per kilogram, equivalent Rp39.600 per kg, chicken meat AUS $ 7 per kg, and cassava AUS $ 3 per kg.

The Queen Victoria Market has setup by conditioning thematically, for example, before Easter this April. Various festivals were held and a number of specific organic vegetables is highlighted, such as telecommunication, corn, and cauliflower. This is indeed one of the campaign manager of Queen Victoria was developed.

Victoria Market is only open at 09:00 to 16:00 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 06:00 to 14:00. On Friday and Saturday, this market opens at 6:00 a.m. to 17:00 and 06:00 to 15:00. Hours open market only eight hours and no shift merchants. Schedule open in this markets is exactly traditional markets in Manggarai.

No other traditional markets or supermarkets selling vegetables at a radius of 2 km and even more than Queen Victoria. Obviously did not look fierce competition between traditional and mini market manager in this place.


Selama saya mengikuti kegiatan fellowship APJC ke-4 selama 40 hari, banyak pengetahuan baru yang saya dapatkan. Sesuatu yang belum pernah saya pelajari sebelumnya di Kupang, saya dapatkan di fellowship ini. Saya belajar tentang banyak hal, tentang kehidupan dari suku Aborigin, saya belajar tentang permasalahan ekonomi dan bisnis di Negara Australia, saya mempelajari tentang apa itu blogging, dan bagaimana cara membuat blogging bagi seorang wartawan, saya juga belajar tentang bagaimana membuat sebuah grafik dalam pemberitaan bisnis, dan saya juga belajar tentang bagaimana cara mengupload foto dan video ke dalam blogging, dan yang hal menarik lainnya yang saya pelajari adalah pembentukan kepribadian dari seorang wartawan ( who am I ).

Semua hal ini, benar-benar menjadi sebuah pengalaman yang berarti bagi saya, untuk menjadikan saya menjadi seorang jurnalis yang baik dan berpotensi. Pengalaman lainnya, ketika saya dan team peserta APJC berangkat ke Canberra dan Sidney selama satu minggu di dampingi oleh Hellen Musa, dimana kami melakukan perjalanan tour dan mengunjungi Museum, AuSI, kantor berita ( Times Canberra ), gedung Parlement, World Bank dan ADB, IFJ, ABC televisi dan Radio, Choice Magazine, dan dinner bersama wartawan2 senior, mengikuti sidang parlement, serta menonton opera Marry Poppins. Continue reading

Journos on tour down under

Australian Emblem. Image by Dorah Gawi.

Passengers traveling to Brisbane on Air Nuigini flight PX 201 make your way into the departure lounge for boarding”.

This was the start of 5 weeks of fellowship training on Reporting of Economic Life within our communities, sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Journalism Center in Melbourne, Australia.

If your were like me, traveling to a foreign land, you would probably know about the nerves that some how accompany these trips overseas.

Will I get lost? I wonder what Melbourne is like? Will I even make it past customs in Brisbane, with all the recent hype on terrorism threats in the West?

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6 Minggu di APJC Siap Melakukan Terobosan Baru di TVTL

Pelajaran yang paling menarik bagi saya selama 5, 6 minggu terakhir adalah, bagaimana cara membuat blogging, grafic dan use mobile jornalism, perlu diketahui bahwa di institusi tvtl ketika kami membuat sebuah news tentang ekonomi dan bisnis kami tidak pernah memakai 3 komponen tersebut.

Oleh karena itu pelajaran yang sudah saya dapatkan di APJC Asia Pasific Journalist  Centre sangat bermanfaat bagi saya.

satu hal terpenting adalah dan ketika saya pulang akan konsultasi dengan kepala redaksi saya bagaimana bisa membuat news menggunkan grafic seperti menerangkan harga barang naik currency bdan juga keadadan cuaca di timor leste. Continue reading

It’s about industry fisher in west timor

Dhammika Heenpela

Member of DPRD, Janlif T Bullu, also state his willingness to coordinate with DPRD NTT in handling the fisheries to address the issue faced by the fishermen.

In dealing with the issue, the head of commission DPRD Kupang, Tellendmark Daud, promised to recommend to marine fisheries agency of Kupang to coordinate with the agency of NTT province to control the fishermen from outside NTT.

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Industri perikanan di Indonesia


Indonesia merupakan negara penghasil bahan baku perikanan terbesar tetapi ekspor industri pengolahan perikanan di pasar internasional masih kecil, sekitar 3 persen.

“Untuk itu perlu adanya perubahan dalam kebijakan yang tadinya ekspor dalam bentuk bahan baku diubah menjadi ekspor dalam bentuk olahan,” kata Direktur Hasil Pengolahan Perikanan Ditjen Pemasaran dan Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan,
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