Author Archives: Asrida

Involving Women’s Views and Opinions in The Media

Participants of The APJC Training

It’s been two weeks since i have been in Melbourne Australia. With 16 Fellows from Indonesia, Timor Leste and Pasific; i am attending a journalism training about women, media and economy literacy at Asia Pasific Journalism Center (APJC). I’m so interested with every session of the training, particulary aboutĀ  women’s views and opinions on the media. As journalist or audience, sometimes we didn’t look at the gender equality of what is in the media. In this training, we learned how to see the women’s views and opinions on the media in Australia and we find that man dominate the media. Most of the sources in media are men. It means that most of problem that appear on the media is men’s views even when it’s about women’s Issues or issues that are closer to women. As Journalist we have the power to change it by starting to give attentionĀ  to women’s views and opinions in our story and report for the media.

I’m not a journalist. I’m a writer and filmmaker. All of these knowledge help me to be a better writer and filmmaker particulary to involve women’s issue on my work.

In this training, we also learn how to empower ourselves and how to use social media for our work as a journalist.