Right to Left: Lt Zachari Harrell(Advance Team Pub Affairs), Katie Walther (Hope volunteer), Kristopher Radder (Public Affairs Hope Proj.) and Commander Mike ( Dir operations Medical Services)
Well stories of people helping people is not new while there are very few people who devote their to help others.
Well for my case, it was my second opportunity to meet up with the United States Navy when they arrived in Papua New Guinea for on the second leg of their Pacific Partnership 2011 Humanitarian Program. It was amazing what they did.
And I tell you people from all parts of Papua New Guinea poured into Morobe Province to receive much need health services.

True partnership. Zachari Harrell ( Advance Team Public Affairs) and Samuel Toposona.Pic: Samuel Toposona
Well you might ask, what the health system in PNG? That has always and continues to be a great challenge with the difficult geographical features of PNG.
However there are efforts with partner organisations like the NGOs while the US Navy is just another God-sent helpers.
The navy under the command of Captain Jessie Wilson saw both navy men and women assist through humanitarian assistance programs.
The team went to schools, district health facilities and the ANGAU Memorial General Hospital.
I for cannot express how much they had done in a little span of time to improve health services in Lae.
It becomes a wonder and how best out health authorities can work towards improving services for my people in Papua New Guinea. What is currently being done? Lately the issue of funds being misappropriated and teh list goes on.