APJC 2015: More Knowledge and Insights


Being one of the 17 journalist from Indonesia and Asia Pacific in the APJC program is truly an experience for me. I find all the sessions during this five-week-program is very useful for me to enhance my capacity as a journalist, especially in financial and business media.

It’s been two weeks now, still a half way to go before completing this program, yet I have gathered a lot of information and insights about journalism, economic issues, digital media, women empowerment, and leadership. Thanks to all the instructors who delivered all the material in a simple way so that we can absorb everything easily.

I’m looking forward for the fieldtrip next week in Canberra, Albury and Wodonga, where I will meet a wide range of people from different background. It’s very exciting to meet farmers in the outback of Australia, I hope I can learn more about the modern farming. I’d like to know how they manage the land: about water management system, choosing the most suitable crops, fertilizer, post-harvest techniques, packaging, also marketing.

As a financial reporter, I want to take as much advantages as possible from the “Inclusive Business and Economic Reporting Workshop” hosted by Nigel. The first session last week gave me new knowledge and insights about the power of numbers. I believe the second session will be as great as the first one.

However, having this fellowship in Melbourne is another excitement for me. It’s my first time staying overseas for quite a long time, living with new friends from all over Indonesia as well as Pacific Islands. We learn from each other.

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