Category Archives: About our fellows

APJC, New Friends, New Experiences

Differences and Learning

By Yaya

APJC members take a photos together

APJC members take a photos together. Photo by Natalia Gould

Wind blowing, cold weather and raining

Those are the first things that I’ll remember from Melbourne.

On 2 May 2015, I arrived in Melbourne, Australia. It is my first visit to a foreign country. Arrived at 08.20 am, we then left the airport and rest in apartement. On this first day, I just met with my Indonesian participants.

But in the next day, we have more friends from other countries.

It’s exciting as I will be exposed to different languages and cultures, which will be very different experience for me. Continue reading

Rozalee Nongebatu

Rozalee Nongebatu

Hi my name is Rozalee, I work as a senior reporter/producer for the Solomon Islands Broadcasting Corporation’s News and Current Affairs Division.

I am currently in Melbourne for the Asia Pacific Journalism Centre‘s Climate Change Reporting Fellowship and I hope to untilize what I gain from this training to better report on the issue of Climate Change in the Solomon Islands and also in the wider pacific region. 🙂

Anisah Issimel


Hi, am Anisah Issimel from Papua New Guinea.

I work with the state radio, the National Broadcasting Corporation of Papua New Guinea, as a journalist.

I had worked with the radio for more than 11 years. I love working with the radio, but I also report for the National Television, KUNDU 2, which is also owned by the PNG Government.

I am currenty in Melbourne, Australia, attending a five- weeks training on “Reporting Climate Change”.

The training is organised by the Asia- Pacific Journalism Center (APJC).

Rikamati Naare


Me and my son Iosefa

Hi, my name is Rikamati Naare from Kiribati. I’m 35 years of age and currently work as a Journalist/Broadcaster for Radio Kiribati within the Broadcasting and Publications Authority (BPA).

I produce a weekly radio program called ‘Kiribati On Air’ for Radio Kiribati which basically covers current news affairs particularly in the area of Climate Change.

I’m currently in Melbourne attending APJC’s Reporting Climate Change workshop that would hopefully boost my journalism skills on reporting one the main pressing issues (Climate Change) that is threatening the very way of life of I-Kiribati people.

I have been working as a Radio Journalist for more than 6 years now.

Yulan Kurima Meke

Jalan dipinggir Sawah

Hi…saya Yulan Kurima Meke dari West Papua. Saat ini saya bekerja disebuah koran harian nasional “Sinar Harapan” yang berkantor di Jl. Raden Saleh 1C-1D, Jakarta Pusat.

Saya senang bisa mengikuti pelatihan jurnalistik yang diselenggarakan oleh Asia Pasific Jurnalism Centre dalam peliputan tentang Climate Change (Perubahan Iklim) selama enam minggu di dua kota: Melbourne dan Tasmania.

Dari pelatihan ini, saya berharap lebih dalam lagi mengetahui tentang hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan Perubahan Iklim di dunia secara umum dan tahu mengatasi masalah akibat perubahan iklim yang disebabkan oleh Manusia (human factor). Kenapa? Karena di Papua banyak sekali terjadi perusakan lingkungan dan hutan rimba yang kemudian berdampak pada masalah keamanan, kenyamanan, kesejahteraan warga pribumi.

Saya juga ingin belajar untuk bisa mengaplikasikan ilmu yang didapat untuk mampu melakukan investigsi tentang climate change dengan perspektif Lingkungan dan Human Rights.

Monalisa Palu

I have worked in radio for over 10 years. I am currently host of the Morning Show on 89.5FM in Tonga. We are more news oriented than other FM stations. I am also the ABC Radio Australia correspondent in Tonga covering mainly political stories. I am a member of the Tonga Medial Council.

I am a part time tutor at the Tonga Institute of Higher Learning in Media and Journalism teaching Grammar, Research, Economics and Business Reporting and Sales and Marketing.

I went to high school for about 2 years here in Melbourne and this is the first time I have returned since.

I love media and am looking forward to this course.

Made Ali

Coffe in the morning

AKU  hendak berbagi cerita “Aku, Buku, dan Secuil Perlawanan” sambil seruput kopi hangat, sedapnye roti canai, tentu dengan anda, kenalan atau sahabat saya. Ceritanya bisa pendek. Bisa panjang.

Sahabat. Aku masih belajar soal Jurnalisme, Hukum, Human Rights, Indigenous People Rights, dan baca-baca Sosialisme, Komunisme, Kapitalisme, agamaisme dan isme-isme lainnya, termasuk lucuisme.

Sahabat. Blog ini, salah satu jawaban pada rekan-rekan pers mahasiswa, selepas aku tak lagi di Bahana Mahasiswa. Sahabat menulislah, seolah-olah esok pagi kau mati!

Whizzzzzzzzz, saatnya ngupi!

SEJAK  17 Oktober hingga 26 November ini, saya mengikuti Reporting Climate Change and the Environment Workshop ditaja oleh Asia Pacific Journalism Centre.

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