Category Archives: Posts by country

APJC Training On Climate Change

APJC Climate Change

Pada 16 Oktober 2011, saya bersama tiga teman wartawan Indonesia

‘Forest Destruction, Climate Crime, Moratorium Now by Greenpeace Esperanza

berangkat ke Melbourne, Australia untuk menghadiri undangan pelatihan jurnalistik yang diselenggarakan oleh Asia Pasific Jurnalism Centre “Climate Change” selama enam minggu.

Ketiga teman saya adalah Anugerah Perkasa (Bisnis Indonesia), Stefanus Akim (Borneo Tribune), dan Made Ali (Bahana Mahasiswa), serta saya sendiri dari Sinar Harapan.

Pada minggu pertama, kami belajar tentang “Workshop English” yang diampu oleh Catherine Green dan dibantu Budi Setyo sebagai penerjemah ke bahasa Indonesia. Kami belajar Listening, Writing, Speaking, Grammar, Preposition, dan banyak conversation. Kami juga mengunjungi Melbourne Museum yang terletak dua blok dibelakang Ques Appartment, on Lygon St yakni tempat kami menginap hingga 26 November nanti. Continue reading

Tonga’s sea level rise is triple global average

Tonga’s rate of sea level rise is reported to be increasing at nearly three times the global average of 3.22mm per year due to El Nino and climate change. By 2100, sea-level rise is expected to increase by 1.6m drowning some of the buildings in this small island.

Sea level rise will inundate roads. Photo by Yanna.B

The Intergovernmental Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) predicted Tonga’s vulnerability to sea level rise and found that areas up to 5 m above the sea level will be affected. This means 37-46% of the total population and about 14.1% of the total land area of the main island, Tongatapu, will be inundated.

The threat of climate change is immediate and real. It will also contaminate well and drinking water. In a developing nation with limited arable land, salinity of water which also deteriorates the quality of usable land will be severely affected.

In the latest National Strategic Policy Framework, Government has included the goal to “Integrate environmental sustainability and climate change into all planning and executing of programs.” The challenge is fully integrating this into policies and enforcement.

Sea Level Rise in the Solomon Islands

Traditional Dancers from Ontong Java photo by

Like most of it’s neigbouring countries, Solomon Islands, a small island developing state, has it’s share of problems on the issue of climate change.

The country is anticipating many impacts on society, the economy, the environment and human health, all of which are exacerbated by political instability, ongoing environmental degradation, and an isolated economy.

One of the adverse  effects is sea level rise on the Ontong Java atolls, of Malaita Province which is affecting the growth of  Swamp taro, one of the staple crops planted by the people on the atolls and the limited water sources on the atoll.

The government has also announced tentative plans of relocation in which they are looking at resettling the people from Ontong Java to two provinves, namely  Isabel and the Choiseul Province.

The Solomon Islands Government has various projects administered under the Ministry
of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology’s recenlty established Climate Change Division, that are currently helping communities adapt and also mitigate climate change in the country.


Perubahan musim di Timor Leste

perubahan musim photo by Oxfam

perubahan musim yang pernah terjadi di Timor Leste, pada tahun 2009 sampai dengan tahun 2010,  menyebabkan kemacetan kigiatan umum terutama kigiatan masyarakat lokal tidak bisa menjalankan pekerjaan tani dalam satu tahun penuh, dikarenakana hujan terusan.

selama musim hujan terjadi dalam satu tahun tersebut, Masyarakat Timor Leste pada umumnya yang bertempat tinggal di daerah pegunungang atu bukit-bukit disekitar, mereka tidak bisa menanam tanaman lokal seperti jagun, kacang merah, kajang  panjang, kentang dll.

pada waktu terjadi perubahan musim tersebut, membawah dampak kepada tanah lonsor, Anging ribut merusak rumah-rumah masyrakat yang ada di daerah terpencil seperti di daerah kapupaten yang ada di seluruh Negara Timor Leste.

masyarakat yang mendapat musiba  yang lain seperti Banjiri Air yang datang dari aliran sunggai, tetapi masyrakat yang mendapat musiba alam bisa mendapat perhatikan kemanusian dari pemerintah pusat.

Villagers in Fiji affected by Climate Change

Fiji known as “Paradise in the middle of the deep blue sea” made up of 322 islands and 522 islets is like many countries in the Pacific facing the implications of climate change in a big way.

So the Government for a population of just over 800,000 people is trying its best to raise awareness on the subject as communties that heavily rely on agriculture experience the serious reality of climate change.

Climate change adaptation and food security project coordinator Doctor Jimaima Lako willingly shared some light recently on the subject to The Fiji Times.

She says on Totoya in the Lau Group alone there a lot of coastal degradation, while rivers were becoming shallow due to constant flooding.

The situation was so bad in Ketei Village that families have been forced to create outlets in their homes to channel floodwater out whenever it rains.

She said there were so many factors to consider when talking climate change which includes the causes and effects.

Sea level rise, Marwa Morgan

It is obvious that implications of climate change does not happen overnight and the lack of understanding often adds to the drastic effects to the environment and sustainable livelihood and development of communities.

Journos gets climate change training

Peter Korugl, from PNG, one of the participants attending the workshop. Picture: Tarami Leggs

Journalists from Asia Pacific countries are in Melbourne, Australia attending at workshop to upgrade their skills and knowledge in reporting climate change issues in their countries.

The 13 journalists are from Indonesia, Timor Leste, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Kiribati, Samoa and Tonga -some of the countries currently feeling the impact of climate change.

Issues of concern in the Asia Pacific region include rising sea level, change in weather patterns, natural disasters like flooding. The region is also experiencing major resource developments such as logging that are also challenging efforts being made by respective governments to mitigate global warming.

As part of their training, the journalists visited the reknown Melbourne Zoo and they will also tour other conservation sites in  Hobart.

Tahun 2011, Produksi Jagung Menurun

corn. photo by smilygrl

Dampak dari perubahan iklim di  Timor Leste membuat masyarakat di Negara itu, terlebih yang ada di pedesaan kekurangan makanan karena perubahan iklim.

Menurut penelitian kementrian Pertanian dan kehutanan, bahwa produksi makanan lokal seperti, Jagung di tahun 2011 ini menurun dibandingkan degan tahun lalu, akibatnya karena perubahan iklim.

Tahun ini  produksi jagung menurun sampai 30 ribu ton hektar di bandingkan degan tahun lalu, total produksi jagung 148 ton dari  65 hektar.

Insufficient food affecting insecurity

farmer basking in sunset. PHOTO BY HARTANTO

FOOD STOCK is insufficient level and prone to the threat of food insecurity as demands grow.Vice President Boediono said Indonesia is rich in natural resources, but it’s not able to enhance the food productivity to a safe level. Continue reading

CABUT SP3 Mafia Hutan

Total  biaya kerugian Perusakan Lingkungan pada 14 perusahaan di Provinsi Riau hampir Rp 2000 triliun 

PADA  Jumat 25 Agustus 2011, setidaknya 15 orang tergabung dalam KPK atau Koalisi Pemberantasan Korupsi unjuk aksi di depan markas komando Polda Riau. Tiga orang memegang spanduk bertulis; “Tangkap dan Hukum Mati Koruptor Kehutanan dan Cabut SP3 illegal logging.”

KPK gabungan dari aktifis lingkungan hidup, forum pers mahasiswa, mahasiswa pencinta alam, organisasi mahasiswa dan elemen masyarakat lainnya. KPK berdiri tepat hari jadi Provinsi Riau ke-54. Sejak itu KPK membuat Bazar Kasus Riau, isinya kasus-kasus kejahatan besar di Riau; korupsi kehutanan, pelanggaran HAM terkait konflik sumberdaya alam dan agraria di Riau.

Aksi KPK depan Polda Riau

Agun Zulfaira, koordinator aksi meminta Polisi segera merespon rilis Satgas PMH, “Membuka kembali kasus SP3 yang melibatkan Gubernur Riau Rusli Zainal.”

Agun Zulfaira serahkan Tuntutan pada Achda Feri dari Polda Riau.

Tak sampai satu jam orasi, Agun bacakan tuntutan dan menyerahkan pada  Polisi Achda Feri. Achda Feri bilang, Kapolda pergi untuk Sholat Jumat. Massa pun bubar. Continue reading

Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak Resign From F-FDTL Comandder


Major Jeneral Taur Matan Ruak Has Confirm it is his Intention to resign from F-FDTL commander (The Nasional Defence Forse Of Timor Leste)
Desijion Resign was finished Inform To Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao And President RDTL Jose Ramos Horta, and two Lider Both they Accep this desijion.
Before That Taur said he deside resign because he want go back to civilian live.
But According the Information have Possibility he want candidate him self to president in next year.