Saturday Night in Melbourne

This my first time in Australia, and especially in Melbourne. I was in Melbourne because  I got a fellowship for following APJC Program with the other participants from Indonesia. Melbourne is awesome city. When i arrived here, the weather was very cold. We arrived on Saturday morning, from Jakarta, and stayed on Quest Finlay Apartment, on Lygoon Street.

In front of our Apartment, i saw many restaurants in a row. The restaurants sell off many kinds of food, such as; Pizza, Spagheti, and many more. Obviously, the people usually call this place the “Little Italy”.

On Saturday night, i walked around Lygoon Street. I saw many people here to celebrate saturday night while drinking wine with their partners.  It’s a good view for me. In my place at Gorontalo Province, Indonesia, i never saw events like this.

Not far from restaurant, i walked in the park. This is a green open space. I sat there with my friend from Aceh, Makmur Dimila. We discussed and compared about Saturday night in Melbourne and our places. Of course, it’s very different. And i think, i like my first time spending Saturday night in Melbourne.


Mobile Journalism Tools for Blogging

Two days of the second week of journalism training in Asia Pacific Journalism Centre office, at Amess Street, Victoria, Australia, the fellows tutored how to use mobile phone to produce news.

by Makmur Dimila

Renee Barnes, a senior lecturer in journalism at University of the Sunshine Coast shows and guides the participants how to create stories then share them with ‘only by a phone’, assisted by Tito Ambiyo an Indonesian journalist who working in Aussie.

Participants learned how to create and publish stories with tools such as Audioboom, Soundclouds, Wavepad, KineMaster. All of those tools weren’t familiar to them before.

In the first day of this digital journalism training, the fellows should create a video with KineMaster tool. They were divided in to some group, two persons for a group. Then their exercise must be uploaded to APJC Youtube account.

Agusta Bunai from West Papua and I created a video about how to adjust with the cold weather in Melbourne as it is close to winter. She recorded my demonstrations about how to be comfortable in dressing.

On the second day, Renee assisted by Lisa Gye a senior lecture in Media and Communications at Swinburne University, shows the participants how to do blog well. I do like it.[]

APJC 2015: More Knowledge and Insights


Being one of the 17 journalist from Indonesia and Asia Pacific in the APJC program is truly an experience for me. I find all the sessions during this five-week-program is very useful for me to enhance my capacity as a journalist, especially in financial and business media.

It’s been two weeks now, still a half way to go before completing this program, yet I have gathered a lot of information and insights about journalism, economic issues, digital media, women empowerment, and leadership. Thanks to all the instructors who delivered all the material in a simple way so that we can absorb everything easily.

I’m looking forward for the fieldtrip next week in Canberra, Albury and Wodonga, where I will meet a wide range of people from different background. It’s very exciting to meet farmers in the outback of Australia, I hope I can learn more about the modern farming. I’d like to know how they manage the land: about water management system, choosing the most suitable crops, fertilizer, post-harvest techniques, packaging, also marketing.

As a financial reporter, I want to take as much advantages as possible from the “Inclusive Business and Economic Reporting Workshop” hosted by Nigel. The first session last week gave me new knowledge and insights about the power of numbers. I believe the second session will be as great as the first one.

However, having this fellowship in Melbourne is another excitement for me. It’s my first time staying overseas for quite a long time, living with new friends from all over Indonesia as well as Pacific Islands. We learn from each other.

APJC, New Friends, New Experiences

Differences and Learning

By Yaya

APJC members take a photos together

APJC members take a photos together. Photo by Natalia Gould

Wind blowing, cold weather and raining

Those are the first things that I’ll remember from Melbourne.

On 2 May 2015, I arrived in Melbourne, Australia. It is my first visit to a foreign country. Arrived at 08.20 am, we then left the airport and rest in apartement. On this first day, I just met with my Indonesian participants.

But in the next day, we have more friends from other countries.

It’s exciting as I will be exposed to different languages and cultures, which will be very different experience for me. Continue reading

Safety Travel Around Melbourne

I have been in Melbourne for  two weeks attending the APJC training program. It is excited to be here, the most live-able city in the world. I am lucky to be the first Person With Disability (PWD) who attend this training. This is a good opportunity for me and other PWD in Indonesia to learn how accessibility in every sectors being implemented.

In Melbourne I often go around walking, errr actually I walk by wheelchair. I found that the driver respects pedestrians. Usually they will stop their vehicles and let us across the road safely. In some places there are crosswalk lights so pedestrians have time to across the road.

As a bus passenger I feel comfortable since I can access it easily. Every bus in the city is equipped with ramp. Bus driver will stop properly at the bus stop and provides the ramp for me. The bus has two spaces at the front side for the passenger using wheelchair.

You know, I can’t access buses in Indonesia. Drivers often don’t stop the buses properly, so this would be very dangerous for me and other vulnerable groups such as elderly, pregnant woman and etc.

However buses in Melbourne with access for wheelchair rider are not really safe, unlike in the USA. There is no seat belt for wheelchairs nor wheelchair riders. So when I am in the bus a friend has to keep me safe, because sometimes my front wheel moves, even though I already lock the brake. I actually am so lucky to have good friends, isn’t it?


Learning from and within APJC

Luganville, Vanuatu Journalist

Rita Bill / Melbourne Central

I had a great time at Melbourne with APJC. The lecturers were all fantastic, and I met some new journalists, reporters, presenters with many different excellent background and experiences.
We’re not only learning and sharing new journalism experiences with this fast world but we’re also helping each other to come up with solutions on how to solve an issue whether within our news room or just being a journalist and also being a female journalist with a lot of cultural barriers.
This is a blessing for me to learn about mobile journalism because I’m now more expose to the world to get my stories and being able to create my own audience and building up my network.
This training encourage me to go back to Vanuatu and create my own audience and being able to pass more information to rural population through mobile journalism. I’m so happy, now I’ve created our local newsletter blog

Working in Lae a great experience

Lae media officers on a field trip to Yambo on a motor powered speed

Lae media officers on a field trip to Yambo on a motor powered speed

Having to kick start my career as a broadcast journalist with the National Broadcasting Corporation of Papua New Guinea in Lae, Morobe Province was great.

What is more exciting is, Morobe is the biggest province with 9 districts and 33 local level government areas making it one of the fast-developing, growing and industrious province.

If you ask me, what it feels like when I started, I would simply sum it up in three words; challenging, busy and changing everday.

Working in a province like Morobe has really set the pace to develop my skills and experiences thus set a strong foundation in my career. Having travelled far and wide is like travelling the country, however what makes Morobe unique is its so rich in almost everything you wish to find.

Media friends during the health consultative workshop in Lae

Media friends during the health consultative workshop in Lae

Morobe is set at a location which makes it a the central nerve of business, travel and other socio-economic activities that come with it. For now I can say, the lessons learnt are worth it and the experiences taught at invaluable.

It’s a previlege to have been an understudy with a wealth of experienced and well-learned media figures in the province and the country.

Daily commercial flight (Airlines PNG) at Nadzab Airport, Lae

Daily commercial flight (Airlines PNG) at Nadzab Airport, Lae

Team Simbu bike riders take time out at Sipaia beach

Team Simbu bikers at Sipaya beach, Morobe Province

Team Simbu motorbikes at Sipaya beach front on Saturday November 15, 2014.

It took almost three nights to get from Simbu down to Lae to support as part of the Team Simbu contingent to the 6th PNG Games staged in Lae, Morobe province.

18 bikers in the true spirit of support towards their team braved the long and winding journey and had to refill twice before reaching the games’ host city.

One of the bikers Michael spoke briefly about his trip saying the initial 35 bikers was reduced to 18. The whole trip consumed over 60 litres of fuel with a few stops along the way.

The team said the weather in Lae was much warmer and windy compared to Simbu.

Lae hosts 6th PNG Games

Lae the second capital city of Papua New Guinea played host to the country’s 6th PNG Games to over 1, 000 in various sporting codes.


Balloons released at Sir Ignatius Kilage stadium in Lae during the official opening ceremony of 6th PNG Games

The opening ceremony was hosted at the Sir Ignatius Kilage stadium where tickets ran out before the actual opening ceremony. Crowds lined up outside the stadium to catch a glimpse of the grand entrance by all provincial teams as their graced the afternoon with their provinical colours.

The PNG Games takes place every two years and a host province gets to host with the aim of identifying sporting talents from rural areas who take in these national sports event. From this event talented Papua New Guineans are selected and get the chance of being selected to represent PNG in international sporting events such as Commonwealth and Olympics.

Many people braved the intense heat just to see their favourite band Jokema perform live alongside Australian female artist Christian Anu and local artists in the likes of Anslom Nakikus and Keidumen.

Tickets sold out and forced these people to stand outside find every space to watce the 6th PNG Games in Lae

Crowds outside Sir Ignatius Kilage stadium outside official fence after tickets ran out before official opening ceremony

Present during the opening ceremony were senior government officials, games committee and other invited guests including PNG Prime Minister Peter O’Neill. Continue reading